Doing our bit for young learners
Thabo gets an assembly line going
On 20 June, Matome and Thabo delivered about 160 files and pens and pencils to the school. Some boys from the school helped them carry in the files and the stationary. Matome said the school was more than delighted to receive the donation.
Those who contributed to assisting the young learners should give themselves a pat on the back.
However, the contribution of stationery was a little disappointing, and we would like to ask those who have yet to contribute to please do so, or if they have a little money and do not have the time, to please hand it to Matome. Keep in mind that everything we can send would be gratefully appreciated.
lining up to assist Matome and Thabo off-loading files and stationery. |
Thabo empties out the bakkie full of donations |
Nkuli has become the first recipient of our (newly conceived) quarterly prize for consistent contribution to our comment jar. She is the person who has contributed the most comments and observations to the jar since it was conceived, according to Ann. The chocolates are seen as an apt reward for the spirit with which she has embraced the initiative. It now remains to be seen if she will be walking home with the prize again in September!